Bake & Pray Video Companion
a six video course to pair with the book
Bake & Pray: Liturgies and Recipes for Baking Bread as a Spiritual Practice
Mise en Place
This video covers the basics of measuring and mixing your dough. It pairs with lessons one and two in the Basics of Bread section of Bake & Pray.
Stretch and Fold
This video pairs with lessons three and four of Bake & Pray. It demonstrates how to stretch and fold your dough and help you identify signs that your bread has completed its bulk fermentation.
This video walks you through all of the pre-shaping and shaping techniques in lesson five of Bake & Pray, plus an additional pre-shaping technique not taught in the book! Shaping is perhaps the hardest technique to master without more visual support—that’s precisely what this video is for.
This video pairs with lesson six of Bake & Pray. It walks you through the details of scoring and baking your loaf of bread. If you are confused how to score a loaf or the best vessel to use for baking, this video is just for you!
Course FAQ
Yes, this video course is designed to pair with the Bake & Pray book. The book includes vital information—including recipes—that you will need to provide context for the video lessons.
Yes! Most definitely. The book contains all the information you need to bake bread as a form of prayer. These video lessons expand on the lessons in the book. The videos provide helpful visual instruction for those that find it hard to learn from the text and sketches in the book alone.
This video course is designed for beginning to intermediate bread bakers. It provides helpful visual instruction for those that are learning how to bake bread and are looking for additional support in mixing, shaping, and baking their dough.
The Bake & Pray™ method of breadmaking uses a technique that I like to call "sourdough on training wheels." The texture and technique are similar in process and feel to sourdough, while using commercial yeast rather than a wild yeast starter to leaven the dough. This provides more predictability for those who are early in their breadmaking journey. Once you've mastered the Bake & Pray™ loaf, it will be much easier to switch over to sourdough baking. If you'd like to learn sourdough from Kendall, then considering joining our virtual Lent Sourdough program offered every Spring!