Help Your Kids Fall in Love with the Bible
Have you ever tried leading a Bible study with your kids, only to have them interrupt, jump out of their chair, or just generally become distracted by anything but the topic at hand?
You want them to hide God’s word in their hearts—and you want it to go deeper than just reading stories in an illustrated children’s Bible—but you don’t know how to keep their attention long enough to make it stick.
Heres the great news:
Kids are naturally curious. Once you’ve gripped their attention, they almost always want to learn more.
And God loves to teach us through more than just words, and in more than just our minds, which means there are lots of creative ways to grip a child’s attention.
You don’t need a flashy curriculum with tons of different features that tries to trick them into getting excited about the Bible. There is so much excitement in the pages of Scripture itself. Instead, look for the ways God teaches us through everyday moments and objects in our daily lives, and encourage your kids to get curious about how they might look for God at work.
An easy way to start is by studying stories of food in the Bible. Who doesn’t love to talk about food? Even better when you get to cook it together and eat it together too! There are so many stories where God teaches his people through food. Just a few examples:
Abraham providing a feast for his three mysterious visitors (Genesis 18)
The Passover feast (Exodus 12)
David eats the bread of the presence (1 Samuel 21)
Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4)
The Last Supper (Matthew 26)
The Path to Emmaus (Luke 24)
Try reading the story, then asking your kids to imagine sitting at each of these tables. How might the food have smelled and tasted? What might they see?
Next, try cooking and eating some of the items described in the passage. As you cook, ask God to teach you something new about the story.
I assure you, your children will be thrilled to play with food—and they’ll be so curious to learn more about more stories of food in the Bible.
If you’re overwhelmed by there to begin, then you might love our Bake with the Bible study. It’s got six lessons on bread in the Gospels, with Scripture readings, “I wonder” style questions, theological reflections, cultural/historical lessons, age appropriate activities for a wide range of ages, and a recipe to bake together with your kids.
It’s a great tool for helping your kids fall in love with the Bible in a hands-on way!